Sunday, July 8, 2012

10 Things You Might Not Know About Me.

This is not an original IDEA, but rather a suggestion from a girl who wrote a book titled "this i know....notes on unraveling the heart.  Her name is Susannah Conway and (drum roll, please) tomorrow I get to meet  her!  It's a date my daughter dreamed up and I am so excited.  ANYWAY.  Just in case Susannah asks, I want to say "YES! I have tried out some of the suggestions in your book".  And if she asks, I will say "YES! I am living bravely and truthfully." 

  1. I am married to my high school sweetheart and even though we've been married for almost 30 years, sometimes I get a little embarrassed or shy (or something like that) around him.
  2. I have 2 children and they came to me in the order I always dreamed of (girl first and then a boy).  My children mean the world to me.  The world.  Now that they are adults, whenever we part, I begin a countdown of days until I see them again.
  3. If I have any regrets, it is that I did not have another child.  Maybe two more.
  4. I buy magazines for the pictures and I actually LOVE looking at pictures over and over and over --which you wouldn't know if you were inside my house-- because all of the art on my walls, (nearly all the art) is made up of words. I have been known to purchase the same exact  magazine more than one time AND I prefer to buy them at the grocery store rather than subscribe.  I find pure delight in cutting out words from magazines. Oh. And the magazines I prefer are about  home making.  
  5. Dream job?  Owning my own coffee shop/bakery spot where the walls are decorated with my daughters art.  Books would be for sale as well.  And I would wear an apron. Live music on the weekends. Loads of content customers wondering how in the world they ever lived without that cinnamon roll in their mouth.....
  6. Guilty Pleasure? Falling asleep on the couch while watching t.v.  Pleasure made complete if the hubby is rubbing my hair while I fall.
  7. 2 dogs live INSIDE my house and this is not one bit what I imagined it would be like.  Although one dog makes me laugh every single day and the other dog makes me feel safe no matter what, I am not a "dog person".  Yet here I am, learning to deal with all the  "stuff" that goes along with two dogs inside the house. (and my heart)
  8. I think reality t.v. is an idiotic concept.  It's a little scary to live in a world along side so many people who believe reality t.v. is a good idea.  
  9. When I make cookies, I enjoy the dough so much more than the actual cookies.  Baking is a waste of time and energy.
  10. I grew up attending Sunday School religiously.  I sure  felt like a big fat liar singing "Jesus loves me, this I know" after my mom died of a brain aneurysm when she was 33 and I was 7.   It mostly felt like if he loved me, then she would come back to life like he did, at Easter.  Or maybe she wouldn't die in the first place.  It's weird and mixed up to lie in church and pretend to know something  about love.