I'm not proud of the fact that I am always running a little bit late. It's mostly due to the life habit of "dawdling" that I practice....which up until this very moment, I thought was an endearing quality. Um. Actually, no. It means to "waste time by acting or moving slowly". I thought if I was having a good time, it wasn't a waste. ?? ..Oh brother.
And never mind.
This post is supposed to be about "my word" for the year. I chose it on Saturday. I started the running late rant BECAUSE we are a full 27 days into the year and I am just now getting started! Sigh.
I chose the word GRACE a little bit hesitantly because I don't REALLY even know what GRACE means (probably because I've been wasting time all of these years). I chose the word hesitantly because maybe I'm confused about GRACE like I have been about dawdling.
This morning at church, the second song we sang was: "AMAZING GRACE.". (technically, it was the FIRST song for me. I late!). It felt like a private and personal confirmation singing about AMAZING grace. Not just plain old ordinary grace! It read like "GO RIGHT AHEAD! Do it! Invite GRACE into your life". So. I did! I have! I'm excited!
According to the hymn, it was grace that taught my heart to fear, it was grace that relieved the fear. It has been grace that has brought me this far....and it's grace that will lead me home.
I don't know if grace and punctuality have anything AT ALL to do with one another....but I hope inviting grace into my life will make me less clumsy and dis-organized. I hope it will teach me to stop wasting time.
This and so much more.