Friday, November 16, 2012


Watching the news tonight and am  trying to wrap my brain around a world without Hostess.  Perhaps because I can't think of my dearest Granny Lyons without eventually recalling her favorite Hostess variation, the HO-HO, and remembering both fondly.  Honestly,although I shared a few Ho-Ho's,  I never tasted the rave....but, still,  the whole concept of a chocolate covered chocolate cake filled with more whippy sugar represents perfection.  A perfection that I will miss.  Their whole line of tasty treats was marketed brilliantly in my opinion....even though ( I confess) I've never purchased a box of any of their concoctions. But what comfort they've given me over the years, in their white wax covered boxes, setting a happy standard of what will always be available.   DING- DONGS.  TWINKIES.  HO-HO's.  WONDER BREAD. SUZY Q's.  Brilliance.    I'm happy just saying the words and knowing they are there if I should happen to want them.   Crazy, but I'm  a little bit sad to hear they will soon be gone for good.